Our Missions

Bethsaida Children Home, India

The Bethsaida children’s home began in Pithapurum in 1995 being transferred from the village of Gollaprolu where it started to help poor and orphaned children in 1972. The home is still providing care and shelter for children and many hundreds of children have been cared for by the home over the years. At present we have 53 children at the home, most come from a background of poverty, destitution, and abuse. The home provides food, medical help and education and clothing and somewhere to sleep. As the children grow older they leave the home and venture into the world having been cared for in a loving and Christian atmosphere but educated to help themselves with the knowledge of a Christian background and educated to provide their own support in the future.

Help The Elderly
Meal and Medical Assistance

In the village where Gollaprolu church of Christ meets every Sunday, most people are daily agriculture labours. In these families each one has to work to earn their own meal. Agricultural field work is season based so they have work only in certain times of the year, so when they have handful of work they have to secure enough for the rest of the year. During no work season some families migrate to and fro to nearby towns and cities for their livelihood.

In all these process the effected people are the elderly men and women of the family. They cannot work because of their age; even though they want to work, nobody will hire them because they cannot turnout as others do. When families migrate they do not prefer to take elderly with them, instead they will leave them in village to watch on their houses. These elderly people struggle a lot to survive and to get a one handful of meal a day.If you would like more information about helping the elderly please email tonytyson66@yahoo.co.uk or joelmadiki@gmail.com

Lungster Mlotha, Malawi

Lungster Mlotha, MalawiLungster is a graduate of the British Bible School in Corby, England. He has worked as an evangelist over the past few years in Malawi and presents a number of marriage seminars. He also helps deal with alcohol problems through seminars as this is a big problem where he works. He conducts Bible studies and shows films about Christ in the gospels. He also organises computer classes in order to help the young teenagers be better equipped to find jobs. Lungster is married to Margaret and has four children Lydia, Mary, James and Glory. If you would like to hear more about his work, please email lungster.chawanangwa@gmail.com

Joel Madiki, India
Mark Hill, England

Joel Madiki, has become Christian in 1993 years. In 2004 he graduated from British Bible School, Cobry. At present he is serving the congregation in Gollaprolu, India. He is acively involed in Out Reach, Teaching, Relief Activities and Children & Youth Ministry.

If you would like to hear more about his work, please email to joelmadiki@gmail.com

Mark serves as an evangelist with the congregation in Northampton, England. In addition to teaching at the British Bible School, he has considerable experience working with young people and as a preacher and teacher of the word, both in this country and abroad. Mark is also involved in the Lord's work in Malawi. If you would like to hear more about his work, please email marks@uwclub.netChurch

WebSite: http://www.northamptoncoc.net/

Mike Glover, England.

Mile Glover was immersed into Christ in 1997 at Glenrothes in Fife, Scotland. In 2000 he attended the British Bible School, graduating in 2002. Following his studies, he went on to work with the Summer Lane congregation in Birmingham for three and half years, before leaving to begin a new congregation in the Great Barr area of Birmingham. After 10 years he moved to Liverpool to work with the congregation there for six years. In Nov 2021, he went on to begin another new work in Aughton, England. If you would like to know more about his work please follow him using the links below.

Scriptures UK website

"The Scriptures UK - YouTube"


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